Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Climbing the Vulcano

Dec 30 and rain again. We set out to drive to the top of the vulcano Haleakala up to 10023 feet roughly equaling 3000 m. Nice road but very winding and a lot of hairneedlecorners. Took the first turn wrong but it took us to a vinery up in the mountains where we had some tasting and even bought some specialities. Found the way to the top and had some amazing views along the way. Just when we were passing 9000 feet the rain started and when we were at the top it was difficult to see the road at times. Being high up the weather changed quickly and the next minute you could see the observatory at the top. Having done what we came for we went back down and stopped for lunch before we went to the cowboy town of Makawau. Tonight we are planning to eat tai and celebrate Joakims birthday.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

maui wedding

Today monday the of december, the birthday of Christopher, we had a wedding ceremony at the Lazy beach of Maui( home of Clint Eastwood and Tiger Woods) between Ann Lejon and Thomas Andersson. A beautiful ceremony on the beach in the sunset. All followed by a very good dinner at the Five Palms restaurant

Monday, December 29, 2008

Breakfast in America and other stuff

December 28 and we had to take some photoes of the breakfast. In front of us at the breakfast was an Italian couple and they started to joke about the American Breakfast, not much to write home about if you are used to the european breakfast. In this case a bagel, some juice, strawberry jam, chees in plastic and if you are lucky yoghurt and coffe. A picture of the really clear water and in the afternoon shopping for a bikini. In the evening a picknick on the beach wich turned out very nice with champagne and a nice italian sallad

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday 27 dec an ordinary day

A quite ordinary day at maui. Some sunshine and some rain. Sunning in the morning and rain at lunch and sun in the afternoon. Whent shopping for some sunchairs without any luck. Pizza at Matteos Pizzeria a real Italian pizzeria. The que to get in was out to the parking lace when we left

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Rainy day

Woke to a heavy rain beating the roof and realized it is actually winter on Maui. Sorted some mails and took the car for a visit to a huge shopping center just outside Kahului. Massive shopping from the Andersson/Lejon party. Japanese lunch and a stop on the way home to get groseries(beer and water) at WallMart. The most unorganized place I have ever seen. Makes Italy look overly oranized. On return to the hotell the sun returned at we had some sparkling wine on the porch

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day 25 dec

And again we have a beautiful day. Powerwalking in the morningl, quick swim and breakfast and off to the airport with a shuttlebuss to pick up 2 rental cars: a Toyota Corolla for Joakim and Rebecca and a Chrysler Sebring for us to be able to handle the luggage going back to the airport.
After a quick lunch we headed for Lahaina and a stop at hard Rock Café for a few beers and a couple of T-shirts. Also bought a bunch of T-shirts and hawaian shirts. Dinner at a Mexican restaurant down the road. Theday ended with beers at Joakim and Rebeccas new terass, they have moved to the only room with their own balcony. had som light rain as a change but only for a few minutes. Trying to stay up a  little later today to get prepared for new years eve

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

Experiancing the first christmas evening in the blazing sunshine at Maui was a really nice experiance. A couple of hours on the beach, a nice lunch and then we went for drinks at the bar.
Happy hour between 3 and 6 was an interesting substitute for Donald Duck on TV and a swedish Christmas dinner with herring and meatballs. We settled for frozen margaritas and martinis and raw tuna.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Decembre 23 in paradize

Decembre 23:rd started with a powerwalk along the beaches soth of the hotel Really nice seing the sun rice over the islands.Walked fast and long enough to get some blisters under my heels and this will put a stop to powerwalking for a few days. Sunning and swinning as usual for a couple of hours, we are really getting suntanned already, Light lunch on the porch and intended to take the bus to a shopping centre. Bus late so we walked. Finally bought the long sought after Hawaiian really laud shirt, Hawaian swimming trunks. Walked back as the bus never showed and we found no busstops.
Hard on my feet but a beautiful walk. Drinks on the porch and another night with Sushi at the bar

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A beer at the Maui sunset

After a long walk to get some groceries in the "nearby" Foodland we took the local bus back to the hotel and decided to take a beer and a glass of wine at our porch, experiencing the first Maui Sunset. Spectacular and SHORT!

First night and day at Maui

After a 32 hour travel via London and los Angeles did we arrive at Maui at midnight sunday night.
After all it went well and we could sleep some of the way. Went to bed and slept all through to 7 in the morning. A standing breakfast on the beach and a first swim in the pacific at 10 a´clock.
28 degrees in the air and 26 in the water is really ok. Have also had time for a nice lunch at the nearby hotel

Friday, December 19, 2008

Weekend before christmas

The last weekend before christmas and the last days before our journey to Hawaii. Took a walk throug town to look at the chistmas spectacle but not much to see really. The same lightningas last year. The only really nice was the light in the harbour

Monday, December 8, 2008

Night view of the harbor with the new camera, handheld but with antishake activated, almoust good quality
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gothenburg We love you

The intention is for the Maia Hirasawa video to be here, hope it works

After some assistance from Germany and my clever son it now appears to function. Saw this on TV last night and realized how very good it is and how it catches the spirit of Göteborg, much in a female way campared to the son of the city Håkan Hellström. Interesting really with all these new young female sineger/songwriters. So many and so very good!